Hi there,
I'm Vivek Lokhande.

I like tinkering with open source. Experimenting with new frameworks. Lately getting interested in creating useful products which people can use.On my journey to become a fullstack dev.

my picture

About Me

Hi there, I am vivek, I am passionate about OSS and writing clean code.

My journey started as a engineer from a non-core background. I have transitioned into a CS background through my interest in robotics, motion graphics, video editing, programming, and now I work as a SWE.

I have completed my undergrad from Pune University.Most of the things I build or learn is still driven by my curiosity. I love talking about frontend development and attend various tech events where I gain more insights and get to interact with like minded folks.

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss anything related to frontend development, open-source projects, or just have a friendly chat about tech!



    software engineer

    Mar 2024 ‐ Present


    software engineer-III

    Dec 2023 ‐ Mar 2024


    software engineer-II

    Aug 2022 ‐ Dec 2023


    software engineer-I

    Aug 2021 ‐ Aug 2022

  • Biencaps

    motion graphics designer

    June 2020 - Aug 2020

My Tech Stack



deployment & CI/CD

notes & ideation 💡