My blog

I like to write about software development 🚀 & open source 🥑.

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Remix Better Forms for Better UX and DX

Discover how Remix is revolutionizing form development for better user experience (UX) and developer experience (DX).

June 28, 2023 — 11 min read

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Reducing Bundle Size On React: Part 1

The first of its series in a two-part documentation about reducing the bundle size on React

July 28, 2022 — 7 min read

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Connecting dots between 'this' keyword , bind() and arrow function in JavaScript class.

This blog explains the most common problem react developer's face while using class-based components of binding methods to objects.

May 25, 2021 — 4 min read

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Debunking Classes in JavaScript.

here i explain how instance of a class and a function in JavaScript are very similar

May 25, 2021 — 4 min read

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Prototype's & Prototypical Inheritance in JavaScript.

Understand how inheritance works in JS with very simple examples

May 24, 2021 — 5 min read